How To Write The Best Conclusion For Your Research Paper

Writing a research paper often helps students to hone some very critical skills. A typical research paper is usually longer than an essay report. Since much focus and emphasis are given to finding a debatable topic and shaping your content, most students end up exhausted and overlook the importance of a well-written conclusion.

Therefore, we have focused on emphasizing key critical pointers that you can use to make sure that your conclusion section is neatly tied up with the rest of your paper. For starters, you should pay attention to the writing style adopted for your paper and make sure to conform to its guidelines, especially the ones on the conclusion.

Did you know that most people tend to read your abstract, part of your introduction, and your conclusion section to determine if reading the rest of your paper would be worthwhile?

Well, now you know and here is your concise guide for writing effective conclusions for your research papers.

Start with your thesis statement

This can be a little confusing for many students because both the introduction and conclusion have to contain your thesis statement. Many only remember to put it in the introduction section.

Nevertheless, the main point here is where to put this. Unlike the introduction where your thesis statement is put towards the end of it, conclusions demand that you begin with your thesis statements. Writing varied versions of it is also accepted. Here are some important things to note down though:

  • Given that you will be working with a limited word count, you should avoid being too wordy.
  • Summarize the main ideas, rephrase where possible, and move on
  • Know the field you are writing for, some disciplines demand that your thesis statement is restated exactly the way it was structured originally

Include an effective call-to-action

A call-to-action (CTA) is a form of marketing tool designed to facilitate sales closure. In research paper writing, smart writers always include a CTA in their conclusion to give their audience a direction to follow. Think of it this way, a CTA answers the question “what next?”

All you have to do now is to understand how to apply one in your research paper appropriately. Just remember that CTAs could potentially highlight evidence for the need for further research in your area of specialization.

Therefore, aim to motivate your audience to find more information on their own in cases of either lack of objectivity and/or contradicting ideas. Having the ability to write the best CTA gives you an upper hand in selling your work and convincing your readers to take the appropriate direction afterward rather than leaving them hanging.

Despite the apparent significance of using an effective CTA in your conclusion, you should note that not all research papers require its use. For instance, many reviews let’s say in linguistics don’t need a CTA and its use is deemed unnecessary. Aim to confirm first with your professor in advance before starting to write your research paper.

Alternatively, you can look for sample papers that are similar to the one you are working on and measure the relevancy of including a CTA in your conclusion. You already know what to do if the shoe fits, right?

In short, don’t just write a bland conclusion that sucks. Be innovative, and you will be amazed at how this would work out for you and your future papers.